Activities to Improve Memory:RarePostHub

    Activities to Improve Memory:RarePostHub
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Activities to improve memory, in this post, is about to talk about the scientific methods that will enhance our condition.

1 By Exercising:-With daily exercise, brain cells get good oxygen with which the labor of remembering increases. By exercising, some chemistry is secreted in the brain, from which small cells of the brain avoid being destroyed.

2 By Removing the Stress: - Stress is a magic that can cling to a person, its current and future can be affected. Due to this stress, the hard work of our brain is also affected.

3 Creating illustrations: - Creating a picture is an art, a University of Waterloo said in the study that when we make a picture in some detail about any matter or explanation, then it is remembered more effectively.

4 By Staying Silent: - Every human is the master of the senses, from which the speech is impotent, and the person can increase its labor by remaining silent to this senses. Being silent, man's thinking is more labor-intensive than other human beings

5 By Writing: - Writing is also an art in itself. A university research has found that humans can remember more than typing on computers

6 Music: - You will also like some kind of music, and you may like music in your free time, but do you know that music enhances the brain's work and also removes tension.

• The brain waves are also active when you are dreaming, do you know that the brain itself can not feel pain.
• The storage of our brain is almost unlimited, but it can be affected due to insomnia.
• Our brain is smaller than our ancestors.
• Each person's brain is unique to each person's fingerprint
• Almost half of the child's total energy fuels its brain.
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